Mid Day Meal Scheme

Mid Day Meal Scheme

The Mid-Day Meal Scheme is the popular name for a school meal programme in India which started in the 1960s. It involves the provision of lunch free of cost to school children on all working days. The key objectives of the programme are: protecting children from classroom hunger and increasing school enrolment and attendance.

Mid Day Meal Scheme is a pilot project of Govt. of India. Under this scheme students of classes, 1st to 8th are provided meal in the school. Steel buckets with lids and containers have been provided in schools. Mid Day Meal workers are engaged in school for serving the meals and washing the utensils. Students are served food by the MDM Workers in a disciplined manner.

The Mid Day Meal workers wear Head caps, Aprons and Gloves regularly while distributing the food in the classes. Regular handwash by the students before and after having their meals is also done. The soaps and liquid handwash are also provided to them.

This meal is prepared in different centres in Chandigarh like Dr Ambedkar Institute of Hotel Management, Sec-42, Chd CITCO. The food supplies by the centre are very nutritious and hygienic. Around 357 students of our schools are benefited from this scheme in our school and feel satisfied. The Incharge of Mid-Day Meal is Mrs Kuldip Kaur, NTT Teacher.

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